SEC. 15.204 External radio frequency
power amplifiers and antenna modifications.
(a) Except as otherwise described in paragraph (b) of
this section, no person shall use, manufacture, sell
or lease, offer for sale
or lease (including advertising for sale or lease),
or import, ship, or distribute for the purpose of selling
or leasing, any external radio frequency power amplifier
or amplifier kit intended for use with a Part 15 intentional
(b) A transmission system consisting of an intentional
radiator, an external radio frequency power amplifier,
and an antenna, may be authorized, marketed and used
under this part. However, when a transmission system
is authorized as a system, it must always be marketed
as a complete system and must always be used in the
configuration in which it was authorized. An external
radio frequency power amplifier shall be marketed only
in the system configuration with which the amplifier
is authorized and shall not be marketed as a separate
(c) Only the antenna with which an intentional radiator
is authorized may be used with the intentional radiator.